How to Apply:
1. Complete the 2024 HAM application.
2. Email or mail the completed application and all supporting documents to or send a hard copy to Yampa Valley Artisans at P.O. Box 1693, Craig CO 81626
3. Include with your emailed or mailed application a copy of your Colorado Special Event License and your City of Craig Sales Tax License.
4. Include no more than 3 photos representative of your work. Please include one photo that is a close up of your work.
5. Send one check for $75 made payable to Sheri Sanford. In the memo line write Holiday Artisan Market 2024. Do not make checks payable to Yampa Valley Artisans. Attach your check to your application. Your check, application and photos must be postmarked by October 14th, 2024. Your uncashed check will be returned to you if you are not selected.
6. Deadline for applications is October 14th, 2024.
7. You will be notified of acceptance via email by October 17th, 2024.
Booth space is 8’ x 8’. One booth per artisan. Booth Fee is refundable until the October 14th deadline. No fundraising events. No commercial goods or products. Each vendor is responsible for their own booth set up and clean up. This event will be in the Pavilion at the Fairgrounds, Craig, CO 81625.
The selection committee has been charged to look for high quality, handmade art and artisan products. This will be a competitive selection process for a sales event. No commercial goods or fundraising will be accepted. The number of artisans in each medium will be limited. However, a waiting list will be generated in case of cancellations. If you mail your application, include your email address. We will notify you when we receive your check and application, however this does not guarantee your acceptance into the show.
Hard copy applications are also available at Downtown Books, Coffee and Gifts located at 525 Yampa Avenue, Craig, CO